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Markel, Chapter 8: Using Graphics

Where do you spend most of your free time? - SCA study Forests for ChildrenChapter 8 of Markel explores the process of choosing or creating and then using graphics in your technical writing. Graphics are a critical part of many kinds of technical writing since they add information that helps explain the points or signal readers about the important information in the document.

Characteristics of Effective Graphics

The details on pages 179–180 outline what makes a graphic effective. Just adding graphics because you can is never a good idea. Make sure that the graphics help further the point of the document by contributing to the message.

Pay particular attention to the Ethics Note on pages 180–181, which describes how to make sure that the graphics you include are honest, in addition to effective.

Integrating Graphics and Text

Graphics should never be dropped in a text without explanation. There should be a clear connection between the graphics and the information in the text. Use the Guidelines on pages 181 to make sure that your graphics appear in the right place and that the connections to the information in the document are clear and obvious.

Reading Quiz

After reading the chapter, complete the reading quiz in Scholar for Chapter 8.


Photo: Where do you spend most of your free time? – SCA study Forests for Children, on Flickr


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